Medium sized pipit, with fairly plain features and seasonal differences in plumage. In all plumages, has lightly streaked upperparts, lacks olive-green on wing, has dark legs, and usually has pale lores; underparts less heavily marked. Orange-buff wash to supercilium and underparts in breeding plumage.
Common passage migrant and winter visitor to lower valleys of western Gilgit-Baltistan, rare in Baltistan. During passage and winter prefers damp grassland, marshes, irrigated cultivations, grassy edges of watercourses. Usually below 3200m.
Forages on the ground, picking up insects and other small invertebrates; occasionally jumps up to take flying insects, or flies out from a perch to catch prey. In severe weather in high mountains, feeds around burrow entrances of marmots. Diet generally includes invertebrates and some plant material.
Photo Gallery:
Range & Occurrence:

Distribution Map of Water Pipit in Gilgit-Baltistan (Status: )
Seasonal Occurrence of Water Pipit
Birds of Pakistan: Helm Field Guides (R. Grimmett & T. Inskipp)
The Birds of Pakistan (T. J. Roberts)
Birds of the Indian Subcontinent (C. Inskipp, R. Grimmett & T. Inskipp)
Birds of South Asia: The Ripley Guide (P. Rasmussen & J. Anderton)
Birds of India: Collins Field Guide (N. Arlott)
Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan (S. Ali & S. D. Ripley)
Handbook of the Birds of the World (
The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, 6th Edition
iNaturalist BoGB (
Birds of Gilgit-Baltistan (
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